Payment/registration in a session of virtual or in-person training session means that you have read the below waiver, agree to all of the statements, and take full responsibility for your safety.
“I, (your name), do acknowledge and agree to all of the statements in the Sue Newton Training waiver and assume all risks associated with my participation in virtual and/or in-person training of any form with Sue Newton Abell.”
I do hereby acknowledge:
MY consent for myself to participate in any physical activity involved with the live ZOOM classes or in-person training with Sue Newton Abell and/or the YouTube videos created by Sue Newton Abell.
MY understanding that there are potential risks associated with physical activity such as but not limited to: episodes of transient lightheadedness, fainting, abnormal blood pressure, muscular-skeletal injuries and I assume willfully those risks.
MY understanding that due to the nature of the virtual instruction I may or may not be visible on camera and may or may not be able be able to be heard by anyone in an emergency situation, and I assume willfully those risks and the responsibility for putting in place emergency contact options for myself . During in-person training I understand that there are additional environmental situations including proximity to equipment and other participants.
THAT I hereby release Sue Newton Abell and all corporations and individuals involved in providing my training/class participation from any liability with respect to damage or injury (including death) that I may suffer during participation in physical activity during the live ZOOM classes or in-person classes and/or the YouTube videos created by Sue Newton Abell.
Sue Newton Abell reserves the right to require you to provide medical consent prior to activity.